
Lead Exposure Elimination project


LEEP works to improve the health, wellbeing, and potential of children worldwide by advocating for regulation of lead paint in countries with large and growing burdens of lead poisoning from paint. 

Your support is fundamental to achieving that impact.

Please see FAQs below for updates on our fundraising goal.


How to donate


Donations to LEEP are tax deductible in the US and can be made below using card payment or bank transfer.


Donations in the UK and the Netherlands are tax deductible. UK Donations are also eligible for Gift Aid. Donations are processed through Giving What We Can for tax deductibility purposes, which regrants the funds to LEEP. These donations can be made at the link below.


You can donate to LEEP from other countries using the following link, but the donation will not be tax deductible. To make a larger donation, please contact us. To enquire about tax deductibility for donations from Germany, please contact the team at Effektiv Spenden here.


You can donate to LEEP using cryptocurrency by using the following link. All cryptocurrencies are accepted.

Donation FAQs

What is your current fundraising goal?

As of October 2024, we have filled our immediate funding gap for paint programs in 2025. In Q4 2024 we will begin fundraising for our work on other sources of lead exposure, which will involve research and piloting of new interventions. In 2025 we will likely begin fundraising for new paint programs that we would aim to launch in 2026.

How cost effective is a donation to LEEP?

Quantifying future impacts is a difficult task, and there is always a significant degree of uncertainty. Moreover, LEEP is in its early stages, so concrete data on outcomes is still forthcoming. 

However, we conducted a preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis on our paint program in Malawi, which suggested that LEEP’s interventions are highly cost effective, with an estimated cost per DALY-equivalent averted at $14. There are many uncertainties in this estimate that are explained in more detail here.

Founders Pledge estimated that via LEEP’s work it costs $1.66 to prevent one child’s exposure to lead (in expectation).

Who else has supported LEEP?

LEEP is recommended as a high-impact funding opportunity by Founders Pledge and is one of two organisations that Rethink Priorities recommended in its 2021 report for those who want to fund direct lead exposure work. LEEP has been awarded grants by Schmidt Futures, Open Philanthropy, Greenbridge Family Foundation, and Founders Pledge. LEEP has also received many donations from individuals.

    Are donations to LEEP tax deductible?

    Donations from the US and UK are tax deductible. LEEP is a nonprofit with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. 

    Donations from other areas are accepted, but are not tax deductible.

    Is LEEP a registered charity?

    Yes. LEEP has federal tax-exempt status as a registered public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 87-3016729.

    At present, LEEP also operates through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (EIN: 27-6601178,, a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

    Contributions to LEEP are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

    What are the best arguments against donating to LEEP?

    We think some of the strongest arguments against donating to LEEP are:

    I am interested in making a donation over $10,000 to LEEP. What should I do?

    You should reach out to us. This way, we can ensure that LEEP is a good fit for you and fulfils your requirements. If so, we can assist you to make the donation via the most efficient avenue.

    I would like to send in a check. How should I do that?

    We can accept checks. Please email us for address details at [email protected].

    Which other organisations should I support?

    Our team members are proud to support the work of GiveWell-recommended and Giving What We Can-recommended organisations, and we encourage you to do the same. We believe in the impact of these organisations and aim to replicate their successes.

    I have another question not discussed here, or would like more information.

    Feel free to contact usThe LEEP team is happy to answer any questions you might have.

    Thank you for your support